Monday, May 31, 2010

Chek Jawa, 31 May 2010: Post Oil Spill Report

I am very happy to bring you good tide-dings! Chek Jawa looks no worse for wear. She looks great! [Above photo is the same oil-filled beach published in the newspapers!]

I believe the impact had been quite minimal and the stupendous effort by MPA and Nparks had been enormously successful. The speedy deployment and coordination of the clean-up of Chek Jawa was carried out so admirably. Both agencies should deserve our utmost praise and admiration. So too are our intrepid volunteers who responded so expediently to put on boots, gloves and shovel to the oil slick at the earliest hour of the spill. Bravo!

Chek Jawa... as usual... bring out the very best in everyone. Singaporeans... be proud.

It is a good time to thank and appreciate the many (I think 100) foreign workers deployed at Chek Jawa clean-up. Their service and contribution to our society is so so invaluable.

Photos below: Chek Jawa looking good and pristine as ever. When you look at the pure white sand and the unstained rocks and roots of mangrove trees... and the clear water at the shore... you can easily imagine Chek Jawa smiling at all of us! : )


Robert Teo said...

Kudos also to NEA who deployed about 16 workers & the oil absorbant booms, as well as our own term contract workers.

The oil containment booms were mobilized on very short notice by Kim Heng Marine & Singapore Salvage Engineers. Kim Heng Marine also provided the 100 workers. Settling the bill now.

TMSI also assisted with useful technical advice.

Thanks also to many who offered to come down to help incl. Carsten & yourself! Underwater World & Celestial Resort were also ready to help in case a Rescue Centre was required to be set up.

Robert Teo

Joe Lai said...

Thanks so much Robert... so many more people (and I am sure, many countless individuals we do not know)... one force, one vibrant community... in a place we call home. I cannot say it enough: Chek Jawa / Nature brings the very best out of people : )