In Singapore, we have on record two species of Strophanthus, and possibly, an unknown third yet to be identified. Strophanthus spp. are well-known in medicine, yielding Strophanthins, glycosides used to treat heart disease. In their countries of origin - basically of the Old World, stretching from Africa to Asia - these climbing shrubs or lianas are famed for their lethal poison for hunting. There are currently about 38 species known.
Today, we find a much bigger Apocynaceae expanded under the relatively new APG II system of classification. It has been combined with the closely allied family Asclepiadaceae, the family of the familiar Hoya plants; both families having exquisitely intricate floral designs if one care to examine closely.

Going further along, try taking the anthers apart. You will realized immediately they are also joined... yes, to the stigma. From here, your investigation compels you towards the complexity of such a floral arrangement and how you might wonder the kind of pollination strategies or pollinators are involved here and what advantages there are to advance such a seemingly successful plant group.

I am tempted to think the pollens are to be found at the pointed top of the anthers which is facing inward around the sterile apex of the clavuncula. As of now, I cannot confirm it. The rotten mass that I found there is undefinable at the time of my investigation. Come next flowering season, I will definitely head straight to MacRitchie to look for fresh specimens and fresh pollens if I can. Wish me luck.